9/11 Remembrance Day P.S. 239q On Wednesday 09/11/2024Please join us in wearing red, white & Blue in remembrance of those who have fallen during the September 11th attackwith a special mention for school’s namesake Police Officer Ramon Suarez
Breakfast Program 7:30a (Kinder-5th Grade only Please note that hot breakfast will be available for grades K-5 within the cafeteria on Mondays- Fridays beginning at 7:30 am. (Hot breakfast is optional) here will no breakfast in the classroom for these grades. Students will be sent to class beginning at 8:00 am.
Ps 239q 24-25 School Year S.L.T. MEETINGS Please join us for our virtual Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 858 7152 5170Passcode: 641085