Mrs. Veronica Longo » Parent Teacher Association

Parent Teacher Association

We are proud to have such a strong partnership with our families, and our Parent Teacher Association is a major part of that relationship. During the year, our PTA will hold meetings as well as opportunities for families to become involved.
Please remember being part of the Executive Board is voluntary position!
Our 2024-25 PTA Executive Board Members are:
Vanessa Rivera, PTA President
Amanda Heck, PTA Treasurer
Sara Ledwith, PTA Recording Secretary
PTA Office Hours are 
Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays
8:30a to 12:00p
You can contact the Executive Board Members via:
Instagram: @ptsps239
Remember: YOU are the PTA! If you have a child at PS239Q you are automatically a member of the PTA.
Together, we make PS239Q as vibrant and thriving as possible!
Please take a moment to fill out the PTA 2024-25 Parent Survey!
We will use this info to keep in touch with you and better serve our parent community.
PTA General Membership Meeting

PTAPTA General Membership Meetings will be on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8:45am-9:45am, unless otherwise noted.
These meeting are in person and via Zoom
Tu 10/15, Tu 11/19, Tu 12/17(Cancelled)
These meeting in person ONLY
Tu 1/14 (2nd Tu), Tu 2/25 (4th Tu), Tu 3/18, Tu 4/22 (4th Tu)
Tu 5/20 (in person ONLY - Executive Board Elections), Tu 6/10 (2nd Tu)
These meetings are where you can keep updated, learn about the school and opportunities to get involved, and bring up questions and concerns - no matter how big or small!
The meetings will always be in person with an option to attend via Zoom or will be recorded. 
Exceptions will be clearly noted.)
attend in person AND relax and concentrate!
As automatic members of the PTA, these meetings are open to all parents/guardians and teachers/staff of PS239Q.
Zoom Link for PTA General Membership Meetings:
Meeting ID: 858 7152 5170
Passcode: 641085
Click on the link:
PTA Public Facing Google Drive Folder (Agendas, Minutes, Budgets, ByLaws, other important info for parents):
(Under Construction as of 11/18/2024)
Title 1 Parent Advisory Council Elections (PAC)
Chair: Lystra Isaacs-Jude
Co-chair: Ron Fitzpatrick
To contact members of our PAC please reach out to Sabrina Foye
Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
All NYCDOE Title I schools are required to have a Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that will serve as the consultative and representative body to involve and engage all parents of students who are included in the Title I program.  Note: In a Schoolwide Program (SWP), all parents are considered to be Title I parents since all students are included in the Title I program.  In a Targeted Assistance (TA) school, only the parents of the students included in the targeted Title I program are considered Title I parents.
The Title I PAC will participate with the School Leadership Team (SLT) in the joint review, planning, and improvement of the school's Title I program, and the development, revision, and review of the parent and family engagement policy.
The Title I PAC should include adequate representation of parents of participating students in the schools Title I SWP or TA program, including parents of students in various grades s well as parents of English Language Learners and students with IEP's.
The Principal is responsible for scheduling and sending notice to all Title I parents of the meeting to be held for the purpose of enlisting parents to serve on the school's Title I PAC and to hold elections of the PAC officers.